Hi, everybody!
Most of you already know I have had a blog from some years now, but in Spanish. I've been thinking about it and decided that from now on I'll be blogging in English as well. They wont be different subjects, just the translated version of them. I think the things I talk about in my existent blog are very general and have a honest view.
My Spanish blog, elorgasmoperdido2.blogspot.com, literally translated as "the lost orgasm" was created to express my feelings and thoughts on little things about life that so many people can't think about nowadays. Those are generally the little things that make me happy, and things that wander my mind and I think it's worth sharing. Both blogs are supposed to reach a fullness, a harmony, a climax in life that I can only compare with the Elysium, in old greek mythology known as Paradise. From there its name.
Also, I was recommended to write a blog to improve my writing skills. And I figured writing in Spanish wont help much for my English lol I'll still write about the same things, but in different languages, so nobody is missing anything =)
So, enjoy and wish me the best!
~Katia L. Villa